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Message to Dr Grefenberg
Dear Dr Grefenberg,

I am terribly sorry that you couldn't attend at our "Mazdaclub Thailand - We're still in love, aren't we?" Official Meeting though I heard that you're in Bangkok that night.

I know that, as a busy doctor with international patiences and responsibilities, it is too much to ask for your appearance at our event. I couldn't help but only hope that we can still rely on your advice about "Love and Relationship" if you wouldn't mind to give.

The problem is I am now very worried about one of our respected member, Mr. S--. His current situation is looking pretty grim. I think he needs someone. I have attached his chart and documents and history to you via e-mail and a few questions here for you:

1. Did you get the chance to meet Mr. S-- at the place appointed?
2. Have you informed him about his current situation?
3. If you have, do you think he would be able to make it through?
4. What was the dimension of the liquor girl is black dress. Name?
5. Is it wrong to take care of the 'injured patience' in private place (in case I happened to have one in the future)?

I greatly hope that you would be coming in and check our site from time to time and hope to get your advices very soon.

Best regards (and Bed regards),
Little Croc,
โดย: จรเข้น้อย   วันที่: 31 Oct 2005 - 09:45

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 ความคิดเห็นที่: 1 / 25 : 141724
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Too warried about Mr. S-

I think great position for him is try to being alone, as himself.
BTW, the liquor girl in black dress is name "Joy".

No regrets,
วันที่: 31 Oct 05 - 11:43

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 2 / 25 : 141768
โดย: Kim Young Zon
To Little Cock,

ขี้เกียจแปล แต่เจือก เข้ามาอ่านหว่ะ
วันที่: 31 Oct 05 - 13:35

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 3 / 25 : 141859
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
Dear Mr Little Cock,

First of all, please do accept my deepest apology for not being able to attend the Mazda Club Meeting 2005 as planned. My tight schedule was on that day changed in the last minute due to an unexpected circumstance.

By the way, I met Mr S last Friday at a "chill-chill" restaurant. However, the expected target was not at presence. We therefore decided to finish our green-bottled drink and went back home right away.

To be straight forward, as I have to talk to my latest patient in the UK shortly, I would like to answer your questions as follows:

Q1: Did you get the chance to meet Mr. S-- at the place appointed?
A1: Yes, I did. Kindly read above for details.

Q2: Have you informed him about his current situation?
A2: Unfortunately, I have not informed him yed. Frankly speaking, I would like to personally talk to the target first before letting Mr S know the situation. Nevertheless, I have several times already talked to him that negative situation could be expected. He seems to understand, though.

Q3: If you have, do you think he would be able to make it through?
A3: As I do not yed tell him, it is still something we must wait and see.

Q4: What was the dimension of the liquor girl is black dress. Name?
A4: Sorry, I am not quite sure which one you are talking about. The talkative and smily one with new curely hair?

Q5: Is it wrong to take care of the 'injured patience' in private place (in case I happened to have one in the future)?
A5: I would advise you to firstly define the word "wrong". Morally, it is absolutely wrong especially if you have already been occupied by someone. However, practically it could be right if you do it quietly and keep it as strictly confidential matter. Anyhow, whether it is wrong or right, please do remember that the "injured patience" should be sent to me for further and thorough diagnosis.

Hope my answers help you in certain points. Should there still be any points unclear yed, please feel free to ask me again.

Virginity yours,
Dr Graefenberg
วันที่: 31 Oct 05 - 17:56

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 4 / 25 : 142229
โดย: จรเข้น้อย
Dear Dr Graefenberg,

Thank you very much for your swift reply and your short but deep thorought analysis.

Regarding Mr. S-- condition, I believe he should be able to make it through having you on his case personally. I'm now not worried.

As to Q&A no.4. Yes. I think we are talking about the same one. Could it be the same one Mr โอรสชาละวัน was talking about in the above message?

For Q&A no.5. Very clear answer. At the last minute, it seems my mind is my own enemy. I guess I have to figure out the morality of the situation and help myself for the time being.

But if, just in case, it is going on for sure, saving the live of the "injured patience" is the top priority (especially if we are talking about the innocent live) and has to be taken care of instantly. I hope you wouldn't mind the stains and some untidy condition by the time the patience reaches you.

However, if the injured patience's condition is not so critical, please be noted that I will certainly contact you ASAP for "on-site", deep and thorough diagnosis.

Virginity yours too,
Little Croc (extended version)

ps Your last imported medication cream (white bottle)worked like miracle! It's easy to use. It worked instantly. The effect lasted for dayS! I really appreciated your help and effort. Thank you agian.
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 10:49

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 5 / 25 : 142257
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Dear Dr Graefenber and Mr little Croc,

Regarding to your messages, I'm not too worried about Mr. S-, our good friend.
He can handle on his situation right now as well but if you or him need some help, please kindly let me know.
I'm very appreciated to help.

From Q/A No.4. If that girl is her, I thought it's too deep thorought to says "she was quite dangers."
In my opinion, she seems to unsincerely and have some white maskS upon her face, too danger for Mr. S-.
Finally, I remembered she told me once that she had someone now.

By the way, I'm now concerned about our closed friend, Mr. B-. For long time that he never been have someone beside him.
He says to me all time as "perennially unlucky". I think it's came from Hi Society good looking and nice personality
that make him looks too dangers or highly reach for normal girls.

1. Is it possible to change him to be a normal level guys?
2. If your answer in No.1 is YES, please advice How?
3. Relationship in office should be deny, shouldn't?
4. How could we handle all 3 windy ways at the same time?

PS. I will always kept your great advices No.5 deepest in my mind.

Let's keep it wet
Son of A Legendary Croc.
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 12:06

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 6 / 25 : 142290
โดย: จรเข้น้อย
Dear Mr Son of A Legendary Croc,

It is great to hear from you and thank you very much for your concern regarding Mr. S--. He'd glad to hear this too.

Your information about the mentioned girl with curly hair is very valuable. I agree we should leave her alone.

Regarding the symptom of Mr. B--, I'm afraid I cannot answer every questions because I am not an expert on such matters. No. 1-2 should be handled professionally by no one but our experienced Dr Graefenberg only.

But for Q3, I have a strong feeling that no relationship in the office should be allowed. The consequences are too much to bare.

For Q4. If you've 3 strong winds from 3 directions at the same time, prepare the ship, set sail and head out to the SEA!!!

That's all I can recommend at the time being.

Now if you'd please excuse me. I have to go for lunch.

Wet wet wet,
Little Croc
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 13:36

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 7 / 25 : 142330
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Dear Little Croc,

Your advices are much valuable, I will told Mr. B as soon as possible but before I met him, I need to explain about a strong winds. You may have any things to add on.

1st direction, wind in the past from a left side, too deep thorought it's currently slow down for a while.

2nd direction, secret strongly wind from a right side, became stronger and hugh one but not too often. Some time fast some time slow.

3rd direction, sexy wind from behide, become closly and push deep and deeper and much deeper.

Love to hear your kindly adviced.

Too much too wet, too young too died
Son of A Legendary Croc.
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 14:22

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 8 / 25 : 142432
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
Dear both,

For sure, the liquor girl should not be the right one for our Mr S! She is too friendly and does not seem to be sincere as said above. Mr S's girl should be sincere, down to earth, understandable and reasonable. Besides, she should be able to assist his business well. I still believe that a type of Ms C (the ex-PR) is right for him.

Now, let us come back to Mr Son of A Legendary Cock's questions:

Q1: Is it possible to change him to be a normal level guys?
A1: Yes, it is possible. However, I do not see the point why Mr B needs to change himself. In my view, rather than changing himself, he should find a gilr who is in more or less the same level as his.

Q2: If your answer in No.1 is YES, please advice How?
A2: Nevertheless, if Mr B would still like to change himself to a normal guy, he should learn to wear loosy t-shirt, blue jean and flippers out to street. It would even better if he could sit on ground without fear of dirt.

Q3: Relationship in office should be deny, shouldn't?
A3: Relation ship in office should be avoided. It is seen that many cases of relationship in office ends up with disaster. However, in few cases, love in office may get alone well.

Q4: How could we handle all 3 windy ways at the same time?
A4: In situation of multi-way storms, I would suggest to "clean the cards" and re-start again.

Sorry if my answers are short. I need to rush to talk to my exclusive patient in the UK shortly.

Good  *_* ,
Dr G
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 17:58

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 9 / 25 : 142443
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Dear Dr G,

Your advices are short but lots of value.
I agree with you about a liqour girl but for Mr. C- issue i don't think like that.
Between your visited exclusive patient in UK, I try so many times to present our good friend to her but she looks not quite interested. She seemed to have someone in her mind, I thought.

In the other hold, Mr. B- issues i agree with you for all adviced.
Q1: He can't change himself, it's for sure. He try once but it was failed. He may born to be like that.

Q2: From your explained, I damn sure that he can't do that.
For example; loose T-shirt, he never have it. If his T-shirt coloured turn to faded, it's quite disappear form his closet. For flippers, you never seen him waring them out to street. His highness mom will censure him and he gonna feel worst.

Q3: Quite for sure

Q4: Clean the cards is look like clean the cock, isn't it?

Get good bed relations,
Son of A Legendary Croc.
วันที่: 01 Nov 05 - 18:57

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 10 / 25 : 142694
โดย: จรเข้น้อย
Dr Graefenberg,

Thank you again for your devotion to our relationship's well-being. You are such a great doctor.

I saw that you are still and will be very busy with your patience in UK. I would not bother you more with our 'minor' issues. This consulation should come to the end.

I and Son of A Legendary Croc would like to thank you again for all your great help. We're very very appreciated.

Best Bed Regards,
Little Croc
วันที่: 02 Nov 05 - 13:43

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 11 / 25 : 142701
โดย: Red Metalic
Dear All

I do not understand English!!!! So, bye bye

ei ei ei
วันที่: 02 Nov 05 - 14:03

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 12 / 25 : 142757
Dear Mr.Grefenberg & Kim Yong Sorn, The pickup-wheel protege'

As both of you mentioned the topic's owner name, I'm just went by and notice that....

Actually his name is "Little CROC." woy!.
not "Little cork" as in reply 3,4.

Best Regards
วันที่: 02 Nov 05 - 18:40

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 13 / 25 : 142994
โดย: จรเข้น้อย
วันที่: 03 Nov 05 - 14:19

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 14 / 25 : 142996
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
Sorry for my mistake. Please blame Ms Kim Young Zon because I copied his name from her.

Isn't he little cock?
วันที่: 03 Nov 05 - 14:52

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 15 / 25 : 143051
Sorry for my mistake, too. I spelled it wrong again.

Correction from "Little cork" to "Little cock".

Anyway, His cock is little for sure.
วันที่: 03 Nov 05 - 19:03

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 16 / 25 : 143070
โดย: Touch The Hole.

Enjoy the show.
วันที่: 03 Nov 05 - 19:42

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 17 / 25 : 143575
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Hey Guys,

What's about my name?
My name is Son of A legendary Croc not Son of A legendary Cock na
BTW, I like both of these names.

Anyways, why the BLACK Protegis know he had little cock?
วันที่: 04 Nov 05 - 13:50

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 18 / 25 : 143580
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
I am curious about that too!!!
วันที่: 04 Nov 05 - 14:08

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 19 / 25 : 143588
โดย: E5-Turbo
Excuse me, Brothrers

Do you talk about Ms.Kim has a (little)Cock??

My God.....
วันที่: 04 Nov 05 - 14:33

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 20 / 25 : 143606
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
Wrong, I am affraid!!!

I believe that she does not have even a little cock. Probably she may need a fake one.
วันที่: 04 Nov 05 - 15:27

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